File a Case with HISBA

Make sure you read the FAQs in the home page before you file a request.

What type of request? Who can file a request?

Anyone can file a request against some public action, statement or comment they’ve seen by a Muslim Public Figure or Organisation (MPFO) publish or publicise, if you believe it is unIslamic or expresses beliefs or values that go against Islam’s commonly accepted Islamic creed (the baseline Islamic creed) you can file an Accountability Case.

If you are a MPFO and have been slandered or hear rumours have been spread about you – or you are not an MPFO, and just a member of the wider public, but wish to complain against the slander and rumours about a MPFO you know, please file an Exoneration Case.

If you are currently observing two or more MPFOs engaging in an ONGOING online dispute that you believe is going outside the bounds of Islamic conduct and standards, and wish for them to cease and reconcile, please file a Mediation Case.

Submission guidelines

For ALL CASES, please carefully explain why you think the behaviour or statements of a MPFO are unIslamic.

For Accountability Cases, please fine a separate Case of each action, statement or comment a MPFO has made that you believe to be unIslamic. For example, if during a post (or series of connected posts made on the same day), an MPFO made 5 unIslamic comments, submit only one Case. But if an MPFO has made 3 separate posts that are unconnected with each other, containing unIslamic statements, please file 3 separate Cases.

For ALL CASES, please provide plenty of evidence for your all claims (e.g. urls to tweets, posts, videos [put timestamps]). If you do not provide any evidence, your request may be dismissed. If you make the evidence hard to follow, it will take more time to investigate and your submission may be put behind other submissions that are quicker to investigate.

If you are raising an exoneration request, please include any evidence (like URLS) of the slander and rumours you wish HISBA to investigate and address. If the slander and rumours are by word of mouth, please leave a means of contact so a HISBA investigator can reach you to ask further details.

For clarification or questions or to contact HISBA for anything else, Contact Us here.

Please describe the problem and how you believe it goes against Islamic conduct or Islamic baseline creed. If you do not, your request may be dismissed.
Please provide as much detail as you can, and INCLUDE URLs to the social media profiles, posts, websites and videos you wish HISBA to investigate or mediate.

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